A Father...A Son...Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
"The definitive look at the father and son who made Hollywood history." - The New York Times. Lee Grant's portrait of Kirk and Michael Douglas' Hollywood Dynasty is alternatively a celebration, indictment, and fabulous dinner party. This is the kind of film that could only have been created by a confidant and friend. Re-released for the first time in 2020 in this new edition. Featuring bonus content direct from Kirk Douglas' private archives and home movies.
A Father... A Son... Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Lee Grant's portrait of Kirk and Michael Douglas' Hollywood Dynasty is alternatively a celebration, indictment, and fabulous dinner party. This is the kind of film that could only have been created by a confidant and friend. Re-released for the first time in 2020 in this new edition. Featuring bo...
Kirk in Hollywood
Inside the Douglas Archives: Kirk in the Golden Age of Hollywood.
Kirk's Home Movies
Inside the Douglas Archive: Growing up Douglas
Lee Grant: Beyond the Fairy Tale
Lee Grant takes you to the scene behind the scene.
20th Century Woman: Notes on the Collection
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